Monday, March 30, 2009

update and my own two cents

the other night we decided to make a raw dinner of zucchini pasta with a homemade tomato sauce. for the sauce i blended some fresh tomatoes with sundried ones and herbs, and raw pine nuts. The sauce tasted good, but we discovered blended tomatoes turn out frothy. Frothy tomatoes apparently make Dan sick to his tummy so we put in a cheeseless frozen pizza instead. hahah.

To change topics....

I will share with you some reasons why you should stop drinking milk, or if you have no interest in not drinking milk why I refrain.
  • The cattle industry is the number ONE cause of global warming .(*
  • We are the only species that drinks the milk of another species
  • We are the only species that drinks milk into adult hood (cows milk is for baby cows!) would you feed your cat your breast milk? sounds ridiculous huh.
  • Casein, the protein found in milk and cheese has shown to greatly increase cancer cell growth (book: China Study)
  • Milk from the grocery store is often loaded with hormones, pesticides, even blood and puss
  • Treatment of the cows is inhumane, they are fed hormones to increase milk production and they are often milked until there udders are sore and bloody (hence the puss in the milk) to ward off infection they are given antibiotics, that goes into your milk
  • Many many studies have shown that milk actually causes OSTEOPOROSIS...yes, not only does it not actually prevent it, it causes it.
  • Why then have we been made to believe that milk is necessary? The milk industry spends millions of dollars on advertising, it's all about the money. And the FDA is just a joke.
*There are many other sources for this information you just have to seek it out.

About two years ago, I started a facebook group, "Friends don't let friend's drink milk" most of this is posted there, but a lot of the members (almost 400 now!) have posted some great links in the comments section.

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